Gift-guide: 16 ideas for a child with dyspraxia

Gift-guide: 16 Ideas for a Child with Dyspraxia

They are so many great gift ideas for a child with dyspraxia. Gifts that will help them build skills AND have fun at the same time!

Find some of our favorites below!

Gift Ideas Dyspraxia

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Building/STEM Toys / Builds hand-eye coordination and imagination (often a strength of dyspraxic kiddos.)

Twister / Great for learning right/left directions and developing balance.

Balance board / A fun way to practice, you guessed it, balancing!

Trampoline / Provides HOURS of fun. Helps kids develop strength, balance and coordination. If your kids are little, you can find small indoor trampolines. We did that for many years before we graduated to one like this:

Sit n spin / Great for little ones to develop their core muscles and balance.


Bop it! / Helps kiddos develop a faster processing speed. Often kids with dyspraxia have a slower processing speed.

Pop-beads / Helps with hand strength and dexterity.

Story Cubes / This gift idea focuses on one of the strengths often found in kids with dyspraxia – imagination and creativity! 


Ring toss / Good for developing hand-eye coordination.


Nerf ball / A non-intimidating way for an older child to practice throwing and catching.

Magnetic darts / Good for developing hand-eye coordination and overhand movement.

Badminton / Great for practicing hand-eye coordination and team play. 

Table Tennis / Good for hand-eye coordination and a little competition.

Jump rope – Good for developing strength and coordination. My kids have found the beaded jump ropes to be easier to use (especially when just starting out!)

Bag Toss – Good for developing hand-eye coordination and throwing skills.



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