Implementing the Jesse Tree Using ‘Unwrapping the Greatest Gift’

Jesse Tree Ornament List
How to Implement the Jesse Tree (Ornament list included below!)

I’m In our home we strive to make Christmas what it was intended to be about – JESUS!  Over the years, we’ve done various things to make that happen including many different books and activities. Our favorite Advent read-alouds are these.  THIS POST is dedicated to the Jesse Tree and how to implement it.

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Jesse Tree Ornaments
What is the Jesse Tree?

I first heard about the Jesse Tree 5 years ago but it seemed OVERWHELMING to implement.  After all, I’m not a crafty person (there are 25 ornaments to make!).

The idea behind the Jesse Tree is exploring the lineage of Jesus Christ, starting from the very beginning with Adam and Eve.  It emphasizes God’s plan of salvation.  There is a scripture reading and coordinating ornament for each day of December up until December 25, Christmas Day!

Jesse Tree ornament exchange

I attended a Jesse Tree ornament exchange this past February coordinated by some women from my church.  Each person had to bring 25 of whatever ornament they chose to make.  And then we swapped so everyone went home with one of each ornament.   I made 25 of David’s crown, using gold pipe cleaners.

And SO, this is the first year, we are doing the Jesse Tree.  We are doing it in conjunction with Ann Voskamp’s book “Unwrapping the Greatest Gift”.   We are almost halfway through and each day my 4-year-old asks “Are we doing the “Desse” Tree today?”   So precious!  It has really enhanced our Advent celebration and I personally am enjoying it very much.Jesse Tree Ornament List

“Unwrapping the Greatest Gift” by Ann Voskamp

As I said, we are using “Unwrapping the Greatest Gift” by Ann Voskamp for our daily readings to go along with the ornaments.  Her book includes the scripture passage for each day as well as her thoughts on each passage.  It reminds me of the Jesus Storybook Bible if you are familiar with that.  I love that the book (and really, scripture) shows how the people who were part of Jesus’s direct lineage had messy and FAR from perfect lives, and yet God used them.   Also, the message of God’s love and forgiveness through Christ is weaved throughout the book.

Voskamp’s book is not the only way to implement the Jesse Tree.  However, since it was the book our ornament exchange was based on, I am using it.  And I really like it – it has vivid illustrations, questions, and activities at the end of each chapter, and can be appreciated by both young AND old.    Also, if you’re a person who appreciates aesthetics it is a beautiful hardcover book with a ribbon to keep your place.  Perfect for the coffee table if you like that type of thing.

If you are considering doing the Jesse Tree and using Voskamp’s book, I have a printable to help you know which ornament goes with each day.  I created it for myself and realized it might be helpful to others!  I have the title of each chapter, the scripture reading, and suggestions for ornaments to go along with the chapter.

Here is the printable: Jesse Tree Ornament List

As for creating ornaments, Voskamp has (color) printable ornaments on her website or you can make your own or coordinate an exchange!   OR just go to Pinterest!  😉

**It is obviously a little late in the game to do the Jesse Tree this year.  I wrote this post since we’re loving it and thought it might help others know how to implement it.  I also want to point out, you don’t need the ornaments to do the book.**  

WHATEVER traditions you have, I hope you find rest in the hope of Christ this Christmas!

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Author: Outside the Box Learners

Homeschool mom to my three amazing and quirky kiddos. Wife to my “long-suffering” husband and partner in crime, Marc. INFJ(aka the extroverted introvert). Lifelong learner. Thrives on coffee, chocolate, good music, and deep conversations. Jigsaw puzzles are my love language. Ultimately, leaning on my Savior each step of the way.

One thought on “Implementing the Jesse Tree Using ‘Unwrapping the Greatest Gift’”

  1. THANK YOU for the printable ornament list! It was exactly what I was looking for, as my book is packed away and I am planning to hold an exchange party soon. This list made it so much easier for me. Much appreciated.

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