With the 2018-19 school year all done (not that we really ever stop, because the learning is always happening!), I wanted to look back at what we accomplished this last year. Here is our Read Aloud Book Log from 2018-2019.
As you will see, many tied in with our study of ancient history. These are the books I read aloud with my 9 and 11-year-old.
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Read Aloud Book Log for 2018-2019
On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness – The first book in the Wingfeather Saga, this book is Andrew Peterson’s first novel, full of fantasy, humor and adventure. And the character’s have the best names!

Adam & His Kin – Written by Ruth Beechick, Adam & His Kin gives a picture of what life was like from Adam to Abram. Should be read alongside the book of Genesis. This book helped us to see Adam, Noah, Abram, etc. as real people.

A Cry From Egypt – One of my daughter’s now favorites! A Cry From Egypt, which is a Christian Historical Fiction novel, was a crowd pleaser for sure. It helped us to see what it might have been like to be living as a Jew during the time of the ten plagues and the exodus.

Golden Goblet – A book that gives a picture of what it was like to live as a common Egyptian in Ancient Egypt. Gives a great picture of what Ancient Egyptian culture was like with fantastic detail. A little slow to start but then it picks up. This was a favorite of my son’s.

In the Year of the Boar and Jackie Robinson – We read this during the start of baseball season this year. It’s a sweet story about a Chinese immigrant girl moving to New York.

Adara – Another historical fiction novel (set in the period of the Kings from the Bible). This one takes place during the time of General Naaman. This book gave good insight into what life was like during that time. Kind of slow, but still liked by my kids.

Amon’s Adventure: A Family Story for Easter – We read this the weeks leading up to Easter and it was a favorite! This book certainly made the time of lent more meaningful for us, and will be read again many times I’m sure! It helped us reflect on the power and beauty of Jesus’s resurrection.

Jotham’s Journey: A Storybook for Advent – This was our third time reading this one! We always read to coincide with the advent season. A powerful little story that always helps us reflect on the meaning of Christmas.

Theras & His Town – This was one was slow to start and we almost stopped reading it. HOWEVER, this was perhaps one of the most surprising novels, because we ended up enjoying this one immensely. And it was especially good for teaching the differences between Athenian and Spartan culture. A fabulous living book.

Wanderings of Odysseus – Written by Rosemary Sutcliff, this is great retelling of the Odyssey. Still working through (we had to break so we could read Britfield because I’m writing a review for it!)

Britfield – This is the book we are currently reading. Loving it so far. Has a historical fiction “feel” but set in modern times. I’m personally loving the setting of England. A unique story with a great plot. This one comes out in August! www.britfield.com

Mysterious Benedict Society – We listened to this one on audiobook. It’s about 4 smart kids who go on a mysterious mission. It’s full of codes, puzzles, and intrigue.

Tale of Despereaux – An endearing story about a mouse (who talks!), a rat, a servant, and a princess.

Farmer Boy – The story of Almanzo’s (Laura Ingall’s Wilder’s husband) childhood growing up on a farm. Has the same feel as the Little House books. We listened to this one on audiobook. Great for the whole family!

Anne of Green Gables – Anne is one of my favorite characters and though I love the movie I had never read the book until this year. We chose to listen on Audiobook.

Crenshaw – This is a story about a family who is going through a difficult time, and a boy and his imaginary friend. It’s a touching story that my kids really enjoyed.

Wizard of Oz – This was our third time through this classic. Always a favorite! We listened to the audiobook version read by Anne Hathaway.

Escape From Mr. Lemoncello’s Library – With a similar feel to Charlie & the Chocolate Factory, this is a fun quirky book that would make a great summer read! If you’re well acquainted with children’s literature, this book is sure to delight as there are so many references to children’s books.

Shiloh – Ok, I’ll admit, the kids listened to this one on their own! It was a short audiobook we did over just a few car trips. I remember enjoying this as a child so I thought my kids might like it too. It’s a moving story about a boy saving a dog. Phyllis Reynolds Naylor is one of my kids’ favorite authors.

Here is a list of our favorite read alouds of all time!