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Ancient Egypt Read Aloud Books – 2nd Time Through
We are pretty relaxed/eclectic homeschoolers, but one subject we’ve continued to approach in a more orderly manner over the years is history. We start at the beginning of time and then work through all of history to the present day. Rinse and repeat!
As I’ve stated many times in past posts our main approach to learning history has been through reading living books. This has been a very rewarding way to learn history and has helped me and my kids have a more full picture of history, rather than just learning and regurgitating important dates.
This year we have also added in The Mystery of History as our spine. It’s been a nice addition for us!
This past fall we started the whole history cycle again beginning with Ancient History. And we just recently finished going through Ancient Egypt for the 2nd time. (Here are the activities we did and books we read the first time we studied Ancient Egypt four years ago.)
History Timeline
For the past four years we’ve put all significant historical events on our history timeline (we did this using butcher paper and having the kids draw the events on the paper.)

Since we started the whole history cycle again this past fall, I decided we’d change it up, so instead of drawing historical events on butcher paper, I bought each of the kids their own timeline book. They are really enjoying the timeline books so far!
Big sister (9th grade!) is actually taking world history (using this curriculum) at a local co-op this year, so she doesn’t typically join in on our read-alouds, but she IS doing the timeline book with her younger brothers.

List of Ancient Egypt Read Aloud Books (2nd Time Around)
Here are the books we did as read-alouds for Ancient Egypt this year.
The Riddle of the Rosetta Stone
Unwrapping the Pharaohs: How Egyptian Archaeology Confirms the Biblical Timeline
To find even more books, check out our book list from the first time we studied Ancient Egypt.
And here are our booklists for Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece.
Happy reading and learning!