Diving Board Diva
The kids had their final semi-private swim lesson this week. Determined to conquer her fears, Lydia decided to jump off the diving board. Considering this girl couldn’t even jump into the shallow part of the pool a few months ago, this was a BIG deal. We are exceedingly proud of her!
Audiobooks and Forts!
We continued with The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart. It is a 12-hour audiobook but we have been plugging away little by little each day. We have about 4 hours to go. Our goal is to get through it by this Wednesday as that is when the “Meet the Author” event is through our book club with Read-Aloud Revival. The kids usually prefer that I read to them right from the book. However, due to book’s length and the fact that we just started it last week, we had to use the audiobook. A few of the activities that were chosen to do while listening to the audiobook this past week were painting and fort building.

Life of Fred Marathon
Joe continued with Math-It this week focusing on “Dubblit” or the double facts (2+2 up through 36+36). I also added in Life of Fred Apples. We’ve gone through this one together before, but per the recommendations of the creator of the book, Joe will now be going through the first 4 books on his own, with me checking his work. Dreambox is our main curriculum for math, but Life of Fred is very “outside the box” and my kids love the quirky ways of the main character, Fred. Thus, it’s a fun supplemental curriculum (you can also use it as a full curriculum). Joe was so excited to get back to Life of Fred, that he did 11 lessons in one sitting! Not bad for a kid who isn’t too fond of handwriting!
Start of Vision Therapy
Joe had his first official vision therapy session on Thursday. If you’ve read other parts of my blog you know how I feel about therapy. Vision therapy is certainly going to be a commitment, as it will take up a morning of our week and there are also daily exercises to do at home. However, we are excited and hopeful to see how this will help Joe!
More Bath Bombs and Creative Children
Lydia made MORE bath bombs this past week. This time they were donut shaped! She chose to do this during some free-time she had one morning while I was working with Joe. On her own accord, she quartered the recipe. Since she’s not a math-lover, I enjoy seeing her using math skills in real life situations.
I generally like to do our “Morning Basket” (which includes Bible, History, our current novel, and anything else we can do as a group) first thing after breakfast, but that is not how it always goes as I mention in this post about having a creative child. For those of you reading this that may have highly creative kiddos, I encourage you to read this post about homeschooling in the afternoon vs. the morning. I first read it about a year ago and found it freeing and eye-opening.
Field Trip – Underground Railroad
We ended the week by doing an interactive field trip with our old co-op friends. It was an exciting and interactive experience where we played the part of abolitionists and had to help a slave get to freedom. We got to meet “Harriet Tubman” as well as a few other abolitionists from the past. The kids loved it, and it definitely made an impression!
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