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Weekly Wrap-Up: October 1-5
I thought it would be neat to have a weekly post, that included highlights (and possibly lowlights too…) from our week. So, here goes!
Rocky Start
This past week had a rocky start with Daniel getting a stomach bug and missing preschool on Monday. Since Daniel is high maintenance for me, I rely on his school days to get a lot done with the older two. We still got a fair amount done but not as much as usual. It may have been for the best as it definitely forced me to slow things down which was good after a weekend of camping.
Overcoming Fears
We still managed to get swimming lessons in on Monday (thanks to my parents coming over to watch Daniel). Lydia is getting braver each week and wanted to try jumping into the 10 feet deep area. This was HUGE for our girl. She was a sight to behold… goggles, nose plug, earplugs and all. God bless her swim instructor! 🙂
Read Alouds
Reading Aloud is one of the pillars of our Home School. Unfortunately, sometimes appointments and schedules get in the way of having the time to do this. Tuesday brought Joe’s 2nd Vision Therapy Evaluation and a lot of time in the car. We redeemed that car time by starting the Mysterious Benedict Society on audiobook, which is our Read Aloud Revival book club book for October. MBS is an entertaining book about “Outside the Box” kids on a mission.
Also, just yesterday, we finished “On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness” by Andrew Peterson. This was a delightful novel full of action, heart, and hilarious characters with a Chronicles of Narnia/Lord of the Rings feel to it. This is Peterson’s first novel and it is part 1 of 4 books in the Wingfeather Saga. Andrew Peterson is an amazing musical artist AND author. He is a true “creative” (yes, I just made it a noun!) and he reminds me of my own creative child. We will certainly be reading his other books!
Math Facts Break Through
For math facts, we use Math-It, which I really love. It’s simple and effective AND my kids aren’t breaking out in tears when practicing their facts. Joe finally broke 1 minute on his addition math facts this week. He’s been working on them since February so this was extremely exciting! We tweaked how he does his facts due to some fine-motor limitations he was running into because of his Dyspraxia. With that adjustment, I have a feeling he’ll be getting his multiplication facts down before the end of the month. It is so awesome to see him soar!
Bath Bombs
I’ve been promising the kids for a while that we could make bath bombs. Every time we see them at a store, they want to buy them and they are PRICEY! We used a recipe from The Superkids Activity Guide to make bath bombs. As a side note – Lydia LOVES this book ( I do too, but Lydia has spent hours paging through it). It’s colorful, well laid out and packed with outside the box AND useful ideas for kids with various sensory challenges.
The bath bombs are meant to encourage kids who normally hate being bathed to take baths. Thankfully my kids are all past this (though it wasn’t too long ago we were dealing with this issue!) and we just made them for the fun of it. We used cupcake shaped molds, which I’ve had for many years, but you could use any type of mold or shape them with your hands. The bath bombs just popped right out of the molds. The secret ingredient to making them fizzy: Citric Acid, which I learned is found in the canning section at the grocery store.

And that’s our Weekly Wrap-Up!